Instead of just a buzzword, safety is what it needs to be at Bulktran- a culture. It begins with hiring the right people who possess the attitudes necessary to commit to safe driving habits and to engage in continuous improvement coaching. Character has proven to be the most important criteria when hiring because there is nothing more paramount to safety than who is behind the wheel.

Time Must Be Respected

How can a company expect its drivers to slow down, increase following distances and triple check their work, yet refuse to acknowledge the value of their time? 

Industry standard pay models, such as by the mile or by a set rate per load, incentivize drivers to be in a rush because getting done faster increases the value of their time, while slowing down decreases it. Such methods create a direct conflict of interest with even the most basic safety practices. This is why all Bulktran drivers are paid hourly and why safety is always our leading incentive.

Bulktran Carrier Company


Hiring the right people and properly aligning incentives is the foundation of our culture. The rest comes down to taking proactive steps to stay ahead of potential issues. We are proud to highlight some of the actions we take to exceed industry norms for keeping the roads safe.

Hourly Pay

Unlike most of our competition, a core piece of our safety practice is paying
our drivers hourly. This incentivizes them to drive cautiously and perform their work on
the ground with diligence and care.

Weekly Safety Bonus

Paid out weekly so that it is always an immediate incentive, our drivers receive a significant increase to their hourly wage when they meet our stringent safety criteria for safe driving.

Onboard Technology

Essential to ensuring safe habits are advanced cameras and GPS systems that proactively alert drivers when they are driving with risky behavior, triggering them to make an immediate correction such as slowing down or increasing their following distance.

Tire Safety

Tire Pressure Monitoring and Automatic Tire Inflation systems are just a couple of the strategies we use to ensure our vehicle’s tires are properly inflated at all times, reducing the risk of a dangerous blow out.


Our strategy is simple: over budget and over fix. We don’t push anything off. Our equipment is in pristine condition 24/7/365

Driver Communication

Following hours of service guidelines for our drivers is just the start. Constant communication to ensure they are properly rested and fit to drive is paramount.


Bulktran Carrier Company


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